

Metalwork nor sculpture was never on the horizon in my formative years, Inspiration took hold on a blacksmithing weekend course 25 years ago where I was captivated by the material being transformed by fire. The workshop smell, the heat on my face, the colours of the fire and the demand for concentration was like discovering a new music for the first time. I feel fortunate/privileged to work with my hands at something I love, and continue to develop a relationship with a material which has informed my own personal life journey as much as provide me with a source of professional satisfaction.

My design ethos has two approaches (1) To build a sustainable business model which can contribute to the economic well being of my community in North west Donegal, and (2) to make objects of beauty influenced by natural design, bringing warmth, flow and colour to both an interior and exterior environments.
In this sense I am influenced by both the Arts and crafts movement of William Morris and the Walter Gropious Bauhaus movement, both of those design philosophies while to some are contradictory can be built into creative design as part of the process of making.


